Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Sonic Boo-ty

After the Pac-man Pants of Christmas, I was eager to try the Apple Tree Bunny Bottoms again, this time with the most visually appealing option set rather than the fastest. So with the scraps from the Sonic Cardigan I created these little cuties

I had worried that the drawstring would be hard, but it turns out it was just a faux drawstring that, while not functional, looks pretty good and only took minutes to construct. The pockets were also a nice feature, and although my timing was off in making pants right as the weather warmed up. But these went to my local nephew, so perhaps I will see them again as the fall weather cools off. That's one perk of Grow-with-me apparel: it works for multiple years. 

1 comment:

  1. Those grow-with-me options sure are convenient. I had a go-to overall pattern with straps that fed through buttonholes and knotted at various heights for growing room. The hem had hidden inches of fabric hidden within so the legs could be lengthened also. I made it over and over again for you when you were little. Those non-functional drawstrings gave me a chuckle. I would chase after you kids to keep the functional drawstrings on your pants tied so they looked tidy. The sonic print is awesome and the bright yellow really sets it off. Keeps an active toddler visible, too. Great job. You have a lucky, local nephew.
