Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Gotta Catch More Fluff!

Shortly after my nephew W was born, I sewed him a blanket made from "fluff," a super-soft and fuzzy fabric imported from Japan. As fate would have it (and not unsurprisingly, if you've ever handled it) my SILs loves that blanket not just for its looks, but also because it contains what she calls "magical properties" that help my nephew fall asleep.

Therefore, when I got the chance to order some fluff again - and in another fandom my SIL loves - I jumped on it. It took about 4 months for this beauty to make it FROM Japan to my sewing room, but it was absolutely worth it. Normally my projects linger before I work up to them, but I cut this blanket out the same weekend I picked it up from the post office.

I also ordered some coordinating fabric: the intent is for this to eventually be a set. But when you have a baby who depends on that ONE thing to get to sleep, a backup for the new mom takes priority.

So, Auntie RLQ to the rescue!!! Legendary Lullabye is still clearly Baby W's favorite, but now he (and my SIL!) have a plan B when it's in the wash.