My husband's whole family is full of zombie fanatics. And when I saw this print, I knew it was perfect for any daughters-in-law my brothers-in-law might produce. Unfortunately it was a little bit big to be used on a baby, so into "deep stash" it went. But this past year my two youngest nieces just turned 2 and 4, and this year we were going to see them for Christmas.
For the youngest (who, fortunately, has grown like WHOA over her first 2 years and now fits a size 4), I made one of my go-tos, the Haven's Hoodie. It's fast, it's efficient, and it works great with panels. I couldn't just do her, though! Her older sister carries the nickname "Princess," and when I bought this panel, Danerys Targen from the Game of Thrones series was beloved by all.
Of course, after the GoT Finale... less so, but my niece can definitely have an obstinate streak some days, so perhaps the shirt can help signify the days when she's a little *too* hell-bent on having her way.