Thanks to a marathon sewing session this weekend, I actually have progress to report this week! Well and a little bit from last week that didn't really merit its own post.
Quilted! - Trick or Treat
Performance anxiety be darned, I dragged this out and got 'er done last weekend. New additions included a skull, the moon, "Trick/Treat" along the sides, and candy in the corners.
I missed out on using the Damask pattern, but there's always next time for that. You can see the full design here.
Completed - Block for Quilt Con
It's not as if I didn't have enough to do on my own projects, but when my local Modern Quilt guild said they wanted to put together a quilt for QuiltCon, madness overcame me and I volunteered to do a block. I'd been wanting to try an asterisk block for a while, and of course I couldn't help but tinker with it. Here's the result:
Technically this is due August 11, but I wanted to get it done early lest I make a mistake.
Done in a Day! - Roller Shade for Door
Ok, so it was a long day but Sunday I got brave enough to bust out this kit (which I'd ordered online) and construct a shade for our back door. I ran out to Hancock's for the fabric a little after noon, and by 7PM this puppy was completed on my sewing machine waiting to be hung by my husband.
Total cost of shade was $40 for kit + $25 in fabric so while the it still remains to be seen if the thing actually works, we're both crossing our fingers; if it does, we got a roller shade in a fabric we liked way more than all the commercial options, and at 1/3 the price. Stay tuned to see how this turns out.
Basted - Alien Invasion
Pics of this when I actually start quilting, but if there is a way for a 7-month pregnant woman to baste with dignity, I would like to see it. I fell over FAR too many times trying to get this done.
No Progress:
-Christmas Traditions (but the good news is, Applique is already starting to not sound so bad again)
-Ready, Set, Snow
And, for proper linkage: